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Thursday, May 21, 2009


Well isn't that special?  My cabling is perfectly combed and tie wrapped.  Beautifully labeled, definitely yellow (good luck getting that color in a pinch form your manufacturer/distributor...yeah can you ship me 2K feet of 6A CMP shielded yellow for a few adds...ah sure, the min order is 36K feet and its two to six weeks.  But I just bought 2.1M feet.  Yeah that's great but we can't help you.  One word of advice on colors, blue and white, its a Colts world in the twisted pair manufacturing business!)  

Seriously, a great install and undoubtedly a reference site that will bring more work and referrals.  

How are you leveraging your best accounts?  How are you maximizing referrals from current or past employees that have moved on  (note, those people are often in a position of influence at their next job).  Do your customers here from you?  Are you in touch via email or inviting your past and current customers to trade shows or seminars that help their careers and strengthen your relationship with them?  Lest we not forget low hanging fruit is the easiest to pick.  Often the way to new business is all around us.  Your outlook contacts may hold your best opportunities!

Here is an idea, call every good client you have that you have not talked to for over six months. Lets face it, we all have people that fit in this column.  Are you still getting their business?  If not, how do you get it back?  Be honest and accept fault for not being in touch.  Have something of value when you call...a new labeling system that you think this client might benefit from, a better supplier that you can recommend or a design firm that you feel the user should know. Bring value and bring it often...stay RELEVANT!


  1. If that is Category 6A then you have left yourself wide open to alien crosstalk problems due to the combing of the cables.

  2. good point Andrew. When your team installs 6A cable in tray/basket/ladder, what methods do you use to get the best performance?
