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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Ever have a day, month or quarter where the walls are closing in around you? Despite your best efforts you just can't get things moving in the right direction. This kind of situation can really be a killer for a salesperson. For most of us, our success starts and ends with our attitude and passion. There is no passion without attitude and its hard to have a great attitude when you are getting you ass kicked.

Change is inevitable and those that fight or ignore change will be changed and probably not on the terms they choose. Change can be viewed as a burden or an opportunity. The problem is the fear that comes with change, generally fear of the unknown, fear of economic insecurity, fear of not getting something we want or need. These fears can be overwhelming, paralyzing even. Fear can make people do strange, desperate things none of which help us be a better salesperson.

Lets think about the worst case scenarios that could happen. Lose a job, a business, bankruptcy, loss of money, power, prestige, respect. These are not pleasant thoughts, however, if you can embrace and accept the worst case scenarios as something that will not finish you, than you can abandon yourself to success. Specifically, look at those things that scare you the most dead in the eye, accept the fact that they could be your fate and decide that you are not afraid. By the way, you will have to do this over and over in your mind, like a mantra.

Too often, people want someone or some company to save them. Desperation sets in and we look outside of ourselves for the solution instead of within where each of us have great potential. Most of us can look at our careers and find successful years or big deals that give us good feelings and confidence. Those moments did not happen by accident, we made them happen. We know we can do great things, however, our poor attitude prevents us from getting started.

When I look at people that accomplish great things I see one common trait, tremendous self belief. This self belief is different from confidence, its the result of constant preparation and planning that leads to outstanding performance.

Examine your attitude, your true self belief, and really assess how you are doing. On a scale of one to ten, are you a seven, a nine or a four? Ask someone close to you that you trust to read your results and do what so few people ever will or can, self-assess. Stay relevant!