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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


When I list the top users in my area, most of them have a cabling system specification that has been the primary or exclusive product for all cabling requirements. The biggest reason I hear when I ask "why do you use brand ?" is simply "that is what we've used for years."

I am not sure about you, but I find it difficult to get people to change. Sometimes the incumbent brand will lose focus, scrap a key product, or make a significant shift that forces the user to go with another solution. Generally, incumbent specs are sticky.

Price rarely changes a specification unless there is a dramatic difference. Sometimes the departure of a decision maker or business partner that supported the previous brand will open the door for change. Occasionally a distributor rep or contractor is the influencer we need to drive the change process, however, if they are already getting the business, what's in it for them?

So how do we sell any of our products into large users with long standing competitor specifications? Here are a few ideas that your competitors are probably not thinking about because today, they have the business.

Convergence is a term we've heard a lot of in the past ten years. Security, Building Automation, Lighting Controls, HVAC systems, and life safety systems are IP based or moving in that direction. What does this mean for us....more rack space, more four pair and fiber, panels, outlets, pdu's, cabinets, labeling, and maintenance opportunities. Are you able to effectively discuss the top two or three systems in each space? Honeywell, Siemens AG, Emerson are all players in some of the different IP based systems. What kind of equipment do they need in the TR or Data Center? How can you position yourself as an expert to help your IT contact who is now besieged with more systems hanging on his network? Perhaps the incumbent cabling system brand isn't keeping tabs on their long standing account.

Is the incumbent contractor on solid ground? Financial, project management, or general workforce changes can often impact quality negatively. Sometimes the user doesn't realize this is happening. Point out areas where the incumbent isn't following industry standards or generally regarded best practices. Does the incumbent contractor have a growth plan as more building systems become IP based? If not, start talking to the user about their TR's, rack space, and power requirements to support convergence.

Lastly, there are cable and asset management software packages for users to better manage their cable plant and network devices. Some of these offerings are web based, affordable, and
offer a strong R.O.I. Pick ine that you can sell or refer and show the user a demo.

Your users and prospect all have needs that incumbent competitors are not addressing. Addressing these needs in a professional, proactive manner will lead you into more conversions and more sales!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I don't spend a lot of time talking about products or technical information on this blog. I don't know how I rank against others when it comes to technical depth, but after nearly twenty years in our industry, I know one this for sure.....copper cable is here to stay.

In 1990 I attended a seminar at Anixter Philadelphia that included Bay Networks, Nevada Western and some other vendors. Predictions were that we would have all glass infrastructures by the mid 90's and that copper would be extinct. FDDI, multimode 62.5/125 was the new medium!

In 2009 copper cable continues to lead the market as the preferred path for connections in the enterprise, data center and campus environments. 10G copper systems are a small but growing part of our offering when in pursuit of a cabling project. While installing a 10G cabling system is like putting a V-12 engine in a Corolla for most user's needs today, long term there are benefits particularly when one considers the users commitment to their facility and data networking requirements.

Manufacturers of copper cable would love to see Category 5e cable wane and become extinct much like Category 3 and Category 4 cable. While there are differences in manufacturing, the decline in 5e pricing, especially for riser or CM rated cable has virtually eliminated profit unless manufacturing is offshore. I think most users benefit from installing Category 6 at minimum today given the cost of upgrading cabling and the relatively small difference between a 5e and 6 system.

How do we as sales professionals guide the client to the best system for their needs long term without making them feel they are buying a gold case for their plunger?

Some customers like technical data to support their decisions. Others like aesthetics and innovation. Then there are those who really don't care about the brand of products they have at the physical layer. Indifference is generally a dead end for a sales persons campaign. I know I use it when someone calls me on the phone to sell me something!

We may never convince the user that our solution is the greatest ever. We may only win because we were the last one in or had the best seats for the game. Incumbents are tough to beat, our products have a pretty good stickiness to them once specified.

There is one simple way to get the business from a user and it is so often overlooked. Ask for it! Mr/Mrs User, you currently use Brand X. We've reviewed several features and requirements of our systems that provide a sound, long-term solution for your needs. Is there any reason you will not recommend or specify our offering?

Basic, direct questions after earning an appropriate level of credibility with the user are not only acceptable, they show confidence and gain lasting respect from your clients. Think about the last time someone truly sold you a product or service. In some cases, you can't pay them fast enough because of the excitement. This is a skill, not an art. What I mean by that is that any skill needs constant development and improvement. If I don't practice putting, I will continue to three putt. If I don't practice my approach, qualification, presentation, thoughtful recommendations, and common ground for a solution that works followed by the right closing questions, I will not improve. More importantly, I wont understand why I succeed or fail.

What is your personal investment in sales excellence. A couple of books or CD's? Are you taking advantage of company training? Are you investing your own money in sales training to make more money? Do you learn from peers who are excelling in your field?

Back to copper cable....if you sell products you know this part of the sale is where the bulk of the dollars are spent. Users want your expertise, even those that don't care about brand. Get your subject matter experts in front of your clients, educate them on the value of a high preforming cabling system. Show the user why they need a particular grade of cabling and then.....simply ask for the order. You've earned it!